Friday, January 23, 2009

Friends Forever

I was five and ill-prepared for Kindergarten.  I was the kid that had a special desk by the teacher. It was a desk of sympathy and solitude because I cried so much and was painfully frightened to be around the other children. Except Christine. Christine befriended me day one. She held my hand when my mother had to leave, and she did not stop.  

Over two decades later (and then some), she is still a beloved and treasured soulmate. I am so grateful for the longevity, depth and benevolence bred in our long friendship.  It is with great tenderness that I watch our kiddos, just a few months apart in age, learn to share, care, and be friends too.  

Tomorrow I will enjoy high tea with Stine for her birthday.  I remember when we would remark in birthday cards in high school how amazing it was we had been friends, for like, 11 years.  We've stopped counting now.  We're just so glad to be together.  Proverbs says that a friend loves at all times and sticks closer than a brother (or in my case, sister). Now that I have children of my own, I pray for the friendships that will enter their lives.  I know there will be many formative people in their lives and I pray our children are influenced by nurturing, constant, kind friends who journey with them though thick and thin, showing them first hand Jesus' love. And I pray they become these kinds of friends too.

Here's to the Stines!  

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